Visual Notes
For a photo artist, composition is the sublime arrangement of elements within a chosen 'photo frame' to present a narrative..akin to a poets lyrics.
It is widely considered that composition is purely an 'art form', to appease the visual palette of human perception. But there is more to this; in many a case there is also an element of appointed sciences to orchestrate the aesthetics of the visual melody.
We present a sample of practical compositions that we teach in all its nuances for the art of street photography

Leading Lines & Curves

Rule of Thirds

Golden Spiral-Ratio

Rule of Odds

Light & Shadows

Ambience & Atmosphere

Patterns & Shapes

Sub Framing

Visual Weight

Symmetrical Balance

Perspective & Abstraction

Diagonal Balance

Juxtaposition Balance

Size-Count-Value Balance

Tone-Space-Depth Balance